How to manage the Home page content
- Access the backend by logging in, then navigate to the Home page from the pages menu and locate the page that requires editing. Click on the “Edit” button to proceed.
- Next, you can see how to manage specific sections within the page, such as the Title section.
- To modify the Title section, simply add or edit the section name within the section.
- Once you have made the desired changes, click on the “Update” button to save the modifications to the section.
- After reloading the page, verify that the updates have been applied by checking the front end.
Managing Banners
- Edit “Banner Heading ” with the desired value, for existing heading
- Upload desktop, mobile and fold banners as per the mentioned dimension.
- In order to add new item to the banner slider, click “Add Row” and upload the images
Managing Mobile Menu
- Edit “Title”, “URL” and “Logo” with the desired value, for existing rows
- In order to add new menu to the banner slider, click “Add Row” and enter “Title”, “URL” and “Logo” as required (As of now we have only two items, which is “CAR RENTAL” and “CHAUFFEUR SERVICE”)
Managing Counter Section
- Edit “First Counter Icon”, “First Counter Number” and “First Counter Content” with the desired value, for the first counter item
- Second counter item is a slider. Icons, Number and Content can be added under the heading “Second Brand Counter”
- Similar to the First Counter, edit third and fourth counter with desired icons and text as required, under the heading “Third Counter Content” and “Fourth Counter Content” respectively
- In order to add new menu to the banner slider, click “Add Row” and enter “Title”, “URL” and “Logo” as required (As of now we have only two items, which is “CAR RENTAL” and “CHAUFFEUR SERVICE”)
- Edit “Brand Top Heading” and “Brand Fold Heading” with the desired value, to edit the main heading and sub heading of the Brand Fold.
- Add the Brand that needs to be displayed in the slider, in the “Brands” textarea.
- Edit “Third Fold Heading” with the desired value, to edit the main heading .
- Edit “Desktop” and “Mobile” images as per the mentioned dimension.
- Edit “Top Heading”, “Heading” and “URL” as desired
- To add new element to this fold, click “Add Row”
- Edit “Fourth Member Fold Image” with the desired one, to edit the main image .
- Similarly edit the URL, button text and the heading for member fold
- Mini icons in this fold can be added/edited under “Fourth Member Fold Points”
- Edit “Fifth Partner Fold Heading” with the desired value, to edit the main heading and sub heading of the Brand Fold.
- Add the Partners that needs to be displayed in the slider, in the “Fifth Fold Partners Listing” Section.
Managing Chauffeur FOLD
- Edit “Sixth Fold Chauffeur Desktop Image”, “Sixth Fold Chauffeur Mobile Image”, “Sixth Fold Chauffeur Heading” , “Sixth Fold Chauffeur Content ” and “Sixth Fold Chauffeur Button Text”
- Add the Partners that needs to be displayed in the slider, in the “Fifth Fold Partners Listing” Section.
- Edit “Seventh Fold Offer Heading” with the desired value, to edit the main heading
- Edit the existing “Seventh Fold Offer Image – Desktop” / “Seventh Fold Offer Image – Mobile”with required image, url and text
- To add more offers click “Add Row”
- Edit “Eight Fold Testimonial Heading” with the desired value, to edit the main heading
- Edit the existing “Eight Fold Testimonial Content” with required text
- To add more offers click “Add Row”
Managing FAQ FOLD
- Edit “Nine Fold FAQ Heading ” with the desired value, to edit the main heading
- Edit “Nine Fold FAQs Button Text” and “Nine Fold FAQs Button URL” as desired